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Humane wildlife removal, prevention, and relocation
Serving Fairfield County 


Raccoon Removal – Raccoon Control – Raccoon Trapping

Raccoons are nocturnal. Their most common features are the black mask on their face and ringed tail. They may look cute but are incredibly strong for their size, usually 20 - 40 pounds. Mother raccoons have two to five young in the spring.

Raccoons urinate and poop inside the structure and carry with them a list of parasites and diseases. They are the single largest carrier of rabies in the country. Outside of the house, they can spread disease, cause conflict with domestic pets, turn over garbage cans, wash / eat in pools / spas, and destroy yards / gardens.

Cleanup and odor control are recommended after removal of raccoons. Get in touch with All About Bats & Wildlife today!
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